INACSL Healthcare simulation standards endorsement


INACSL Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement is designed to recognize healthcare institutions and practices that have demonstrated excellence in applying all four of the following simulation standards from the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice® (HSSOBP®) in their educational simulation programs:

  • Prebriefing: Preparation and Briefing
  • Facilitation
  • Professional Integrity
  • Debriefing

The Healthcare Simulation Standards guides the integration, use, and advancement of simulation-based experiences within academia, clinical practice, and research. Recognizing the Healthcare Simulation Standards are aspirational and that context, resources, accreditation needs, and other factors may affect the implementation and attainment of the Healthcare Simulation Standards, the endorsement publicly recognizes institutions that excel in creating simulation experiences that enhance learning, promote professional development, and/or advance the science of simulation. Organizations who receive the endorsement demonstrate a commitment to pursue and sustain excellence in the aforementioned four standards, designated as the “Cornerstone” Health Simulation Standards.

endorsed programs

Click the button below to view the list of programs who have earned the INACSL Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement.



Click the button below to view the Endorsement Informational Q&A, recorded on February 11, 2025 . 


letterS of intent

To apply for Endorsement, programs must submit a letter of support from their institution demonstrating understanding of the program's intent to apply, along with a filing fee (see pricing below).

The call for letters of intent for the upcoming application cycle will open on January 20th, 2025. Please click the button below to submit your letter of intent. 



To prepare for the application, it is essential that you review the application guidelines and criteria found here or at the button below. Programs are highly encouraged to begin collecting exemplars now; do not wait for the application to open.

As part of the application, programs will be asked to upload one combined PDF file of suitable evidence (examples of which can be found in the guidelines document). The document should include a table of contents and a one-to-two page rationale that summarizes how the submission demonstrates the program's adherence to the Cornerstone Healthcare Simulation Standards.

If submitting videos, the document should include hyperlinks to where the videos can be found. These could be separate links to videos hosted on a site, such as YouTube or Vimeo, or it could be one link to a repository of videos using a storage application, such as Dropbox or Google Drive. If password protection for the videos is required, please create a single username and password that can be shared with the reviewers.

Learn more about the application


JANUARY - may 2025 application timeline

January 20, 2025 Submission of letters of intent open
February 10, 2025 Letters of intent due
February 13, 2025 Application opens
March 13, 2025 Applications due
May 8, 2025 All decisions and notifications to be made



INACSL is committed to ensuring all simulation education professionals have access to our programs. International pricing for the INACSL Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement allows institutions to apply at a rate consistent with their location. Click here to view pricing categories by country. 

Country Category Filing Fee
Paid with submission of letter of intent.
Application Fee
Paid with submission of full application packet.
A $150 USD $2,500 USD
B, C, D $100 USD $1,500 USD



  • Facilitate sustained application of best practices to simulation experiences and programs.
  • Recognize all varieties of simulation-based experiences, including skills training, low-fidelity to high-fidelity, Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR), distance, manikin-based, various types of technology, etc.
  • Facilitate positive changes that improve simulation based on the application of evidence-based practices and research.
  • Encourage ongoing performance evaluation and improvements within simulation programs.
  • Improve healthcare education and patient safety through the promotion and practice of high-quality simulation.


Accepted institutions receive the endorsement for three (3) years, at which point, they may reapply for the endorsement for an additional period of five (5) years.

Institutions who have partially met the criteria may receive a conditional endorsement and will be given one (1) year to resubmit along with a filing fee and be reevaluated for receiving the official endorsement.


The INACSL Re-Endorsement process for all institutions that were Endorsed during our pilot cycle and Fall 2022 cycle will follow the same submission timeline as the January - May 2025 Endorsement cycle and will be evaluated based on the same criteria. Both a letter of intent and an application will be required for Re-Endorsement submission. Endorsement Reviewers ask that your application be limited to documents updated since your initial application, including changes in your programs, changes in staffing, and changes made related to the suggestions provided by reviewers on your initial application. Endorsement Reviewers also recommend a ten (10) page limit for all Re-Endorsement submissions, but understand if packets are longer to accommodate all process and staffing changes. Please click here for a re-endorsement submission guide. 

Pricing for Re-Endorsement submissions is outlined below. The increase in price for the Application Fee is reflective of an increase in number of years that institutions will be Endorsed (5 years total).

Country Category Filing Fee
Paid with submission of letter of intent.
Application Fee
Paid with submission of full application packet.
A $150 USD $3,500 USD
B, C, D $100 USD $2,500 USD


Links for the letter of intent and application will be emailed to the primary submitter from the institution's intial Endorsement application. Please reach out to Alissa Rogowski for questions. 


Now offering digital badging! We have partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your Endorsement credential that you can use to showcase what you’ve accomplished. This digital badge will contain information describing your credential and will allow you to easily share your achievement to LinkedIn and other platforms. If an institution is accepted for Endorsement, ten digital badges are included. Additional badges can be purchased. See pricing below:

 5 – 25 additional badges: $15 per badge
25 – 45 additional badges: $10 per badge
45+ additional badges: $5 per badge


Interested in serving as a reviewer for a future Endorsement cycle? Please submit your Resume/CV to INACSL Staff via the link below or email directly to [email protected]



INACSL is dedicated to providing the necessary tools and educational resources to aid in your path to Endorsement and to demonstrate excellence across all ten Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice®The Cornerstones of Best Practice serve as a new milestone in the path to Endorsement. Although not required to apply for Endorsement, this new program can help you feel prepared and ready to start the Endorsement process with your institution.

Learn more about Cornerstones of Best Practice